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National Chung Cheng University's College of Engineering Successfully Hosted "2024 Taiwan-Thailand Symposium on Engineering & Technology"


The College of Engineering at National Chung Cheng University, in collaboration with the Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations, successfully organized the five-day "2024 Taiwan-Thailand Symposium on Engineering & Technology" (TALENT 2024) from May 27 to May 31, 2024. The symposium brought together faculty and students from four leading Thai universities, including Chiang Mai University, Kasetsart University, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, along with participants from the host college.

The academic event aimed to foster collaboration and exchange between Taiwan and Thailand in the fields of smart manufacturing and engineering. In addition to keynote speeches delivered by esteemed universities from both countries, Taiwanese and Thai students presented their research findings, showcasing their achievements. Scholars and students seized this opportunity to engage in in-depth dialogues and explore future cooperative prospects. The five-day symposium attracted more than 120 faculty members and students from Taiwan and Thailand.

During the opening ceremony, the Dean of the CCU’s College of Engineering and the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Kasetsart University confidently signed a "Double Degree Agreement" between their respective mechanical engineering departments, paving the way for comprehensive collaboration in degree education.

For 35 years, National Chung Cheng University has upheld the principles of innovation and excellence, nurturing countless outstanding talents. This international academic exchange between the College of Engineering and leading Thai universities marks a new milestone for the university and will drive the comprehensive advancement of engineering education in both Taiwan and Thailand.

The "2024 Taiwan-Thailand Symposium on Engineering & Technology" concluded successfully, turning a new page in the deepening cooperation between the two nations in these critical fields.

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